Vaitheeswaran Temple Astrology

Famous Online Nadi Astrologers in Vaitheeswaran Koil & Olaichuvadi Jothidam in Vaitheeswaran Koil. Panai olai astrology is the oldest form of astrology believed to be the most authentic form of astrology. 

Everyone may greatly benefit from using online Nadi Astrology in Vaitheeswaran Koil. The ideal way to have your Nadi Jothidam conducted in the comfort of your home is through this approach. All you need is an Internet-connected computer and the appropriate software. You may also use this service to get a palm reading, astrological reading, or your horoscope. A well-known astrology business, Nadi Astrological, uses palm readings to provide astrology remedies about planet stars.

Additionally, Kundli readings might forecast numerous problems and questions in your life, which can subsequently be resolved for your wellbeing. They’ll ensure your connection with your significant other is easy and happy. It would be best to make many additional considerations once you have decided to tie the knot. You receive assistance from Nadi astrology in Vaitheeswaran Koil along the way to help you solve your problems and live a beautiful, satisfying life.

The Nadi Astrology in Vaitheeswaran Koil, known as Vaitheeswaran Koil Nadi Jothidam, is relatively well-known. The foundation of Nadi astrology is the palm leaves, which hold the key to many important events, such as those in the past, present, or future. Ancient Indian sages such as Sage Agastya, Astri Maharishi, Bhrigu Maharishi, KagaPujandar Maharishi, Sugar Maharishi, and many more inscribed them on their hands. The Nadi palms in the area of the historic Vaitheeswaran Koil in Tamil Nadu, South India, were first found in the 12th century.

The renowned spiritual teacher Sri Agasthya, who had taught Lord Kartikeya himself, is credited with helping Famous Nadi Astrologers in Vaitheeswaran Koil advance. According to legend, the sage Agasthya was the creator of the first Tamil grammar and the head of the respected Siddhar family, a group with high levels of awareness. One of the earliest astrological techniques used by our forefathers, the Vaitheeswaran Koil Nadi Astrology, is a gold mine of ancient knowledge.

Olaichuvadi Jothidam.

Olaichuvadi Jothidam in Vaitheeswaran Koil is thought to be an inscription of the divine record of the conversations between Sri Lord Shiva and the lady Shri Parvati. It is thought that each Nadi holds records and proof of occurrences from the present and the future. In accordance with the knowledge of the writings related to this Nadi Jothidam in Vaitheeswaran Koil. Specifically, Jeeva Nadi is a collection of continuously occurring current events.

Some of the most enigmatic subfields of Vaitheeswaran Koil Nadi Jothidham. For a distinct picture of your soul’s destiny, it mixes astrological data with heavenly seeings into your past, present, and future. The readings are divided into chapters, with some occasionally starting with a lovely poem or little chat between Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi. Most people initially receive chapters that provide a basic summary of what to expect in this lifetime. It’s identify the main problem from a previous life that is currently creating issues, then explain how to solve that issue using several solutions.

After you have used these cures, you can read additional chapters that go into more information about particular aspects of your life or get answers to particular issues. These questions you would ask at particular times and have previously given you the answers thanks to Nadi Jothidam in Vaitheeswaran Koil divine sight.

What is Online Nadi Jothidam Vaitheeswaran Koil ?

The most recent popular in Tamil Nadu is Genuine Nadi Astrologer in Vaitheeswaran Koil. People around the state visit the Nadi Josiyam in Vaitheeswaran Koil temple to read their horoscopes. This traditional way of astrology is more accurate than others and can reveal facts that other systems cannot. The Nadi Jothidam Vaitheeswaran Koil is your best bet if you’re looking for precise future forecasts.

The advantages of Nadi astrology in Vaitheeswaran Koil

The Nadi Astrology readings hold the key to understanding the importance of Nadi Jothidam in Vaitheeswaran Koil. The readings are based on the idea that every person’s life is foreseen in advance and that the stars and planets reveal essential information about a person’s life’s destiny. You will be able to learn more about the course of your life and how to make the most of it via the help of these readings.

Nadi’s significant benefit is that it explains how your current life and your previous birth are related. It also outlines how to change the leftover karma from a past incarnation. You truly may be haunted by your history. The Rishis included a list of remedies or course corrections that will redirect you in a positive direction in addition to writing your soul’s travel itinerary on your Nadi leaf.

The Rishis hired specialized scribes to meticulously scratch each letter of your tale with a particular instrument or pen into the dried leaf. Everything was done by hand. There was practically never a break between words in the text. This is one reason proficiency in Tamil or Sanskrit and training are prerequisites for reading the leaves.

The History of Vaitheeswaran Koil Nadi Astrology

Nadi palm leaves related with The Vaitheeswaran Koil Nadi Astrology were initially stored at Thanjavur’s Saraswati Mahal Library in Tamil Nadu. They were then discovered by the British colonialists who had their eyes towards the Nadi leaves, which were associated with medicine, herb future forecasts, and many more. They eventually bought the Nadi leaves. Later on there were instances when some of the Nadi leaf were destroyed while the remainder were auctioned off under the British Raj (rule) in India. Luckily, a portion of Nadi leaves came from Astrologers’ families in the Vaitheeswaran Koil Temple and have been passed from generation to generation in the past few decades. It is essential to realize that the procedure of studying this Nadi Jothidam at Vaitheeswaran Koil follows an extremely complex set of procedures to follow which cannot be easily understood by anyone. While there’s a clever attempt to erase this data it is clear that the Nadi Jothidam in Vaitheeswaran Koil has been serving its purpose until today.


The Vaitheeswaran Koil is located on the Northern Banks of river Kaveri, towards interior Tamil Nadu, in Nagapattinam district. The village, with its auspicious temple, is 27 km from Chidambaram, 235 km from Chennai, and 16 km from Mayiladuthurai. The main deity at this temple is Lord Shiva, worshipped as Sri Vaitheeswaran. The temple is famous for its ‘Vaitheeswaran koil nadi jothidam‘ (predictions based on inscriptions in palm leaves / manuscripts). This is one of it’s most interesting connections with astrology, besides the connection with Mars.

Gods in Hindu Mythology are depicted in various forms. And so, in the Vaitheeswaran Koil Temple, the deity is Sri Vaitheeswara (“Vaidya” means doctor), referred to here as the “God of Healing”. Vaitheeswara is a form of Shiva. The temple is the location for several grand festivities every year. For instance, one of the grandest ones is the annual Brahmotsavam. Grand festivities are performed during Shivaratri as well. The temple is well over 2000 years old.

The History of Vaitheeswaran Koil.

There are several tales behind the history of this temple. According to legend, Mars (also known as Angaraka) was suffering from leprosy and it was the blessings from the Lord Vaidyanatheshwara which cured him. Navagraha Temple has been the name of the location since then.

In the war against the demon Sura Padam, Lord Subramanya’s army was severely injured. Then, Lord Shiva transformed as Vaitheeswaran and healed their injuries.

Rama, Surya, Skanda, Jatayu, and Angaraka worshipped the Shiva Linga at this location, according to the legend. When Sita was abducted by Ravana, the Vulture king Jatayu was killed in the fight. So, Rama and Lakshama buried him at this temple. Therefore, Jatayu kundam is the name of a pond located at this temple.

Interesting Facts About Vaitheeswaran Koil

The Navagrahas

The name in itself points out to one of the nine Navagrahas, the nine planets, Mars (Angaraka). And so, the temple has a shrine dedicated to Angaraka.

Astrology – Vaitheeswaran Koil Nadi Jothidam – Palm Leaf Manuscript Reading

The village in itself is famous across the world for Vaitheeswaran koil astrology. Vaitheeswaran koil nadi jothidam (reading of ancient Palm leaf manuscripts) is one of the main attractions here. In Tamil, the name for Palm Leaf is ‘Olai Chuvadi’.

How Does Nadi Jothidam / Palm Leaf Astrology Work?

According to Nadi Jothidam (Nadi astrology), ancient Siddhas (perfected beings, Rishis) compiled life events for the future generations in palm manuscripts. This was so that these generations could access it eventually and learn about themselves, straight from the Siddhas. Many interpret their current life occurrences through the lens of the different deeds done in any of their past lives. They learn of past lives by obtaining the correct manuscript that matches their identity.

Some of the lucky people who check their nadi readings, chance upon an ancient manuscript which correctly matches their identity. The match for a nadi and an individual occurs when factors like date, star of birth, name of mother and father, your age when you visit the nadi reader, and so on, all match with the details on the manuscript.

Once you have a nadi manuscript that matches your identity, your nadi astrologer or reader will help you with predictions for the future and readings about past lives. The remedial measures or ‘parikarams‘ may vary from chanting mantras and performing spiritual practices at home, to visiting specific temples or conducting certain poojas on auspicious dates.

Miracle Cure At The ‘Tank Of Nectar’

People travel thousands of kilometers praying for a cure from several body ailments, pimples, and scars. It is the deity Thaiyalnayaki, who carries medicinal oil which her lord, Shiva, uses to cure Mars (Angaraka) of leprosy. According to belief, a dip in the holy waters of the Siddhamritham tank ( ‘tank of nectar’) can one cure all diseases.

Architectural Significance

The western tower houses the Shiva Lingam. For a few days, every year, the sun rays fall directly on the Lingam. The temple contains inscriptions of King Vikrama Chola from the 12th century. Also, it consists of inscriptions of the Nayaks in the 16th century and the Marathas in the 18th century are also present.

The Deities at Vaitheeswaran Koil

There is a shrine of Thaiyalnayaki, which holds the medicinal oil that cures the diseases of the devotees, present in the second enclosure which faces the south. So, the southern gateway of temple directly faces the Thaiyalnayaki shrine.

Housing several significant deities in shrines, the Vaitheeswaran temple is a large place of worship. Lord Shiva is in the form of the swayambhu murti, the revered deity. Shiva Linga, also known as Maragatha Lingam (Emerald Linga), in the main shrine is world famous.

At the site, you can find several small temples dedicated to Goddess Durga, Lord Subrahmanya, Angaraka, the Sun god, and most importantly, the Navagrahas as well. Jatayu kund, a holy pond is located at the temple. Lord Rama, Goddess Sita and Lord Lakshmana came to worship Lord Shiva at this pond.

More Information about Nadi Astrology from Vaitheeswaran Temple.

Nadi astrology, a form of hindu astrology practised in and around vaitheeswaran temple, and referred by the temple name, is called vaitheeswaran koil nadi astrology or in vernacular nadi jothidam. It comes under the scientific domain as extra sensory perceptions in predicting the future of human beings,while the people most often opt for the nadi astrologers purely based on vaitheeswaran koil nadi jothidam review.

Lord shiva holds the genuine proof of the predictions of the nadi astrologers, as based on the readings of palm leaves. It upholds the key to predictions made by the astrologers of the past, present and future since ancient times. To speak in general terms, only god is destined to provide human beings with true freedom. Only the sages of vaitheeswaran are thought to be genuine in providing accurate predictions solely based on date of birth, planetary positions, and zodiac signs.

The ancient manuscripts brihatsamhita, jathaka paarijatha and the like prove that nadi astrology to be a well-based science. Nadi with palmistry and numerology offers alternate methods to predict the course of an individual’s life. Ancient history calls it the nadi jothidam.

The palm leaf has the essential characteristic attached to it, as the predictions of the future based on the nativity. Vaitheeswran koil calls the language of palm leaves olai chuvudi jothidam. The predictions about the past, present and future are inscribed on the palm leaves, which earlier on were kept in the library tanjore saraswati mahal of tamil nadu. A few leaves got destroyed while the remaining were auctioned when the british ruled southern india. The families of astrologers in vaitheeswaran koil have nurtured, cared for and transformed the palm leaves since they fell into their hands centuries ago.We belong to one of the families of vaitheeswaran coil astrologers who have kept pace with the changing times and have, as such, successfully served the nadi astrology with many famed astrologers reading the nadi among us.If a genuine individual wants to become a genuine nadi astrologer, he has to grasp more about the thumb impressions of palm leaves. For easy searching of palm leaves in the library, the palm leaves are indexed in bundles according to the thumb impressions.

A single thumb impression usually contains 5-6 palm leaf bundles with each bundle having 50-100 leaves. Each leaf contains a single statement about a human being. On finding the true statement about the person, the astrologers proceed with the next leaf. Many famous astrologers have acquired expertise in the nadi astrology at the school of vaitheeswaran koil. The maha siva nadi astrology in vaitheeswaran koil, as derived from nadi astrology, is more accurate in predicting events than kousika and agasthiya nadi. The nadi astrology fore sights are inscribed in poetic form in the tamil language, with code words used frequently for astrological and other terms. Even the instructed Tamilians hardly understand them.

Vaitheeswaran Koil is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Vaitheeswaran, also known as Lord shiva or Lord Subramanya. It is located in the INDIAN state of Tamilnadu, district of Mayiladuthurai. The Koil is known for its healing powers and is considered one of the nine Navagraha (nine planetary) temples in Tamil Nadu. This place is also known for palm leaf astrology called Nadi astrology.During the Ramayana period, Rama, Lakshmana and Saptarishi worshipped the deity.

According to Hindu legend, Lord Rama’s father King Dasaratha was suffering from a serious illness, and Lord Rama prayed to Lord Shiva at the temple to cure him. Lord Shiva, in the form of Vaitheeswaran, appeared before Lord Rama and cured King Dasaratha of his illness. In gratitude, Lord Rama built the temple to Lord Vaitheeswaran.

Another wisdom declares that the temple was built by sage Vyaghrapada, who was a devotee of Lord Shiva. The temple’s name “Vaitheeswaran” is derived from the Tamil words “vaidya” which means doctor and “ishwaran” which means God, as Lord Shiva is believed to be the lord of healing.
The temple is deemed to be built during the Chola Dynasty, which ruled over the region between the 9th and 13th centuries. The temple complex is said to have been expanded and renovated during the time of the Nayakas and the Vijayanagara Empires.

The temple is also said to be one of the Navagraha (nine planetary) temples, which are believed to be the abodes of the nine celestial bodies that are important in Hindu astrology. The temple is known for its intricate architectural design and is a popular pilgrimage site for Hindus.In addition to its religious significance, Vaitheeswaran Koil is also known for its intricate architectural design and is considered to be one of the finest examples of Chola temple architecture. The temple is a popular pilgrimage site for Hindus and attracts a large number of devotees from all over India, especially during festivals and special ceremonies.

Vaitheeswaran Koil is located in the town of Sirkazhi in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is situated on the banks of the River Kaveri, about 250km south of the state capital Chennai and about 15km from the coast of the Bay of Bengal. Sirkazhi is well connected by road and rail, and the temple can be reached by bus or taxi from nearby towns and cities. The nearest airport is Karaikal airport located around 40 kilometres from the temple.